
Lead Generation Expert.  For the past five years I've been a "go-to" expert for lead generation for both B2B - B2C.

B2B Lead Generation.  I've generated leads for financial services companies, SEO firms, web design, insurance, and too many others to list here.  I do this through a combination of paid advertising and highly-targeted email drops.  Targeted eyeballs see those ads, powerful call to action, and revenues go up.  It gets results.

B2C Lead Generation.  On the business to consumer side I've worked with companies that targeted business opportunities, micro franchises, private financial services, and natural health solution.  Why?  In the economy such as this businesses need to drive revenue, and consumers are looking for three things in any economy: make more money, look and feel better, and to truly feel loved.  My goal and business to to bring businesses and consumers together in a win-win situation, so it's an ideal match for everyone involved.

Business Consulting.  I've consulted with many different business from internet companies to call centers to help them strategically hire, update their training programs, and find holes in their business plans, so they can add powerful, lucrative revenue streams to their bottom line.  There is a misconception in a down economy you need to downsize - the reality is your employees have been there for you, and with a couple of small tweaks you can generate more revenue, so you can be there for them so the employer-employee relationships can be successful for years to come.


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